
10 High-Fiber Whole Grains That Aren’t Brown Rice


When it comes to whole grains, brown rice often steals the spotlight. However, there’s a diverse world of high-fiber whole grains that can add variety and nutrition to your diet. Here are ten fantastic whole grains that pack a fiber punch and offer unique flavors and textures, making them worthy additions to your meal plans.

An elegant plate of tabbouleh made with bulgur, tomatoes, and parsley, drizzled with lemon juice.

1. Quinoa

Quinoa is not just a trendy grain; it’s a nutritional powerhouse. This gluten-free grain contains about 5 grams of fiber per cup cooked. Quinoa is also a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. Its light, fluffy texture makes it perfect for salads, bowls, and even breakfast porridge.

2. Barley

Barley is an ancient grain that has been enjoyed for centuries. One cup of cooked barley provides around 6 grams of fiber. It has a chewy texture and a nutty flavor, making it an excellent addition to soups, stews, and salads. Barley’s high beta-glucan content helps reduce cholesterol levels, promoting heart health.

3. Bulgur

Bulgur is a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine and is known for its quick cooking time. With 8 grams of fiber per cup cooked, bulgur is a fantastic high-fiber option. It’s commonly used in tabbouleh, a fresh salad with tomatoes, parsley, and lemon juice, but it can also be a great base for pilafs and grain bowls.

4. Farro

Farro, an ancient grain with a chewy texture and rich, nutty flavor, offers about 5 grams of fiber per cup cooked. This versatile grain is perfect for salads, soups, and side dishes. Farro is not only high in fiber but also packed with protein, making it a satisfying and nutritious choice.

5. Oats

Oats are a breakfast favorite that deserves a place in your pantry. A cup of cooked oats contains about 4 grams of fiber. Rich in beta-glucan, oats are known for their heart-health benefits. Enjoy them as oatmeal, in baked goods, or as a base for homemade granola.

6. Millet

Millet is a small, round grain that’s naturally gluten-free. One cup of cooked millet provides about 2 grams of fiber. It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and can be used in a variety of dishes, from porridge to salads. Millet is also rich in magnesium, which supports heart health.

7. Buckwheat

Despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat and is gluten-free. It contains about 4.5 grams of fiber per cup cooked. Buckwheat has a distinctive, robust flavor and works well in both sweet and savory dishes. Try it in porridges, pancakes, or as a rice substitute.

8. Teff

Teff is a tiny grain with a mild, nutty flavor and a powerhouse of nutrition. One cup of cooked teff offers about 4 grams of fiber. It’s commonly used in Ethiopian cuisine to make injera, a traditional flatbread, but it can also be enjoyed as a porridge or added to baked goods.

9. Amaranth

Amaranth is an ancient grain known for its high nutritional value. One cup of cooked amaranth provides about 5 grams of fiber. It has a slightly earthy taste and gelatinous texture when cooked. Amaranth can be used in soups, stews, or as a hot cereal.

10. Sorghum

Sorghum is a versatile grain that is gaining popularity for its health benefits. It contains about 5 grams of fiber per cup cooked. Sorghum has a mild flavor and can be popped like popcorn, cooked as a grain, or ground into flour for gluten-free baking.


Exploring whole grains beyond brown rice can significantly enhance your diet’s nutritional profile and add exciting new flavors and textures to your meals. These ten high-fiber whole grains offer various health benefits, making them excellent choices for anyone looking to improve their fiber intake and overall health. Incorporate these grains into your meals to enjoy diverse and nutritious dishes that support a healthy lifestyle.


Q: Are these whole grains suitable for a gluten-free diet? 

  • A: Yes, many of these grains, such as quinoa, millet, buckwheat, teff, amaranth, and sorghum, are naturally gluten-free and suitable for a gluten-free diet.

Q: How can I incorporate these grains into my meals? 

  • A: You can use these grains as a base for salads, in soups and stews, as side dishes, or even in breakfast porridges and baked goods.

Q: Are these grains available in most grocery stores? 

  • A: Many of these grains are widely available in health food stores, larger supermarkets, and online. Some, like quinoa and oats, are particularly easy to find.

Q: Do these grains require special cooking methods? 

  • A: Most of these grains can be cooked similarly to rice. Be sure to check the package instructions for specific cooking times and methods.

Q: Can I use these grains in meal prep? 

  • A: Absolutely! These grains are excellent for meal prep as they can be cooked in bulk and stored in the refrigerator for several days, making them convenient for quick meals.
