
Neapolitan Embrace: The Calzone Napoletano

Savor the heart of Neapolitan cuisine with every bite of the Calzone Napoletano, a crescent of culinary delight. 

This traditional Italian masterpiece begins with a cloud-like dough, folded over a rich filling of salty cured meats, a blend of creamy ricotta, and stringy mozzarella. 

Each calzone is a pocket of flavors, with the tangy notes of the tomato and the earthy touch of fresh basil, making it a complete, hearty meal. As it bakes to perfection, the aroma of dough turning golden brown fills the air, promising a crust that's impeccably crisp outside, yet tender and steamy inside.

a golden-brown Calzone Napoletano cut open on a rustic wooden table, revealing a steaming filling of ricotta, mozzarella, sliced salami Napoli, and ham, garnished with fresh basil, in a cozy Italian trattoria setting

Preparation and Cooking Time

  • Preparation Time: 30 minutes (plus 2 hours dough rising)
  • Cooking Time: 10-12 minutes


  • Number of Servings: 4
  • Ideal Serving Size: 1 calzone per person

Nutritional Information (per serving)

  • Calories: 600 kcal
  • Protein: 25g
  • Carbohydrates: 75g
  • Fat: 22g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Sodium: 1200mg


  • Pizza Dough: 500g (divided into 4 balls)
  • Ricotta Cheese: 200g
  • Fresh Mozzarella Cheese: 150g, diced
  • Salami Napoli: 100g, sliced
  • Cooked Ham: 100g, sliced
  • Fresh Basil: 20g, chopped
  • Tomato Sauce: 200g
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil: For brushing
  • Salt and Pepper: to taste
  • Egg (for egg wash): 1, beaten

Method of Preparation

  1. Allow the dough balls to come to room temperature, then roll each into a 10-inch circle.
  2. Mix ricotta, mozzarella, salami, ham, and basil in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Spread a quarter of the mixture on one half of each dough circle, leaving a margin for sealing.
  4. Spoon tomato sauce over the filling.
  5. Fold the dough over to create a half-moon shape. Seal edges by crimping with a fork.
  6. Brush the tops with egg wash for a golden finish.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven at 250°C (480°F) for 10-12 minutes until golden and puffed.

Proven Tips for Culinary Success

  • Let the dough rise in a warm place until it doubles in size for the best texture.
  • Use high-quality, full-fat ricotta for the creamiest filling.
  • Don't overload the calzone; too much filling can prevent it from cooking evenly.

Anticipated FAQs

  • Q: Can the calzone be made ahead of time? A: Yes, you can prepare the calzones and keep them refrigerated until ready to bake.
  • Q: What's the best way to ensure my calzone doesn't burst open in the oven? A: Don't overfill it, and ensure the edges are sealed tightly. Also, make a small slit on top to allow steam to escape.
  • Q: Can I use a different type of cheese? A: Certainly, you can customize your calzone with your preferred cheeses. Just keep in mind that they should melt well.
