
Tasty Keto Snacks plus Dining Out Options for Ketogenic Dieters

Snacking and eating out present challenges on the ketogenic diet, but with a bit of creativity, you can find plenty of delicious keto-friendly options. 

When a snack attack strikes, having go-to low-carb snacks readily available helps prevent detours to the vending machine or drive-thru. 

Packing snacks helps ensure you have healthy options when traveling or on-the-go as well. Likewise, with careful menu choices, you can dine at restaurants and still adhere to your keto macros. 

This article details 20 nutritious and convenient keto snack ideas along with tips for staying on track when eating out so you can keep carb counts low wherever you are.

Tasty Keto Snacks plus Dining Out Options for Ketogenic Dieters

On-the-Go Keto Snacks

Hard boiled eggs, beef or turkey jerky, pork rinds, olives, nuts (pre-portioned), nut butter packets, canned fish like salmon or tuna,Quest protein bars, Parmesan crisps, pepperoni slices, avocado (pre-sliced and stored properly), dark chocolate (85% cacao or higher), peanut/almond butter filled celery sticks, chia seed pudding, unsweetened nut milk, seeds, canned coconut milk, coconut yogurt, nut-based granola or trail mix (watch carbs), wilted spinach salad with dressing, lettuce-wrap sandwiches, prosciutto-wrapped mozzarella sticks.

Keto Snack Shopping List

Eggs, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds, macadamia), seeds (chia, pumpkin, sunflower, hemp), nut butters, pork rinds, cured meats, jerky, canned fish, olives, unsweetened shredded coconut, 85-90% dark chocolate, pork cracklings, Parmesan crisps, nut milks, 

Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, keto protein bars, frozen berries, collagen peptides, canned coconut milk, flavored waters, pickles, sauerkraut, sliced veggies with dressing.

Tips for Dining Out on Keto

  1. Review menus online and decide what to order beforehand
  2. Ask for substitutions like veggies instead of starchy sides/breads 
  3. Request extra fat/oil or butter to cook with
  4. Opt for bunless burgers or sandwiches in a lettuce wrap 
  5. Replace condiments like honey mustard with oil & vinegar 
  6. Choose meat, fish, or eggs as entrée; add extra vegetables
  7. Skip breaded, fried items, pasta, rice, potatoes 
  8. Say no to sugary drinks, desserts; drink water
  9. Pick blue cheese, ranch, oil and vinegar based dressings  
  10. Eat slowly and stop when full; take leftovers home
  11. Avoid bread basket and chips at table


With the right snacks on hand and savvy menu selections, you can stick to keto anywhere from work and travel to restaurants and social gatherings. 

Prepare snack bags in advance with portions of nuts, olives, seeds, jerky, avocado, nut butter, and other tasty low-carb options to grab-and-go. When dining out, peruse the menu for keto-friendly choices like steak, chicken, or fish paired with extra veggies instead of starchy sides. 

Ask for modifications as needed. Limit sugary drinks, dressings, sauces and desserts. Follow these simple yet satisfying snacking strategies to stay in ketosis on-the-go while still enjoying a variety of foods and flavors. 

You don’t have to miss out when others are indulging – just make educated swaps. With commitment to keto-friendly snacking and dining choices, you’ll look and feel your best while living life to the fullest.
